Hp Support Assistant Silent Install Of Firefox

Also, the directory must not exist or if it exists; it must be a directory and not a file.. Feb 27, 2009 - NET Framework Assistant will be installed on a per-user basis As a result, the Uninstall button will be functional in the Firefox Add-ons list.. If this; value is specified then InstallDirectoryPath will be ignored ; InstallDirectoryName=Mozilla Firefox; The full path to the directory to install the application.

Please comment in the Talk page (use the Discussion tab above) IMPORTANT: DO NOT MIX command line options from different lines below (e.. ; InstallDirectoryPath=c: firefox; By default all of the following shortcuts are created.. Use the 'Configuration ini file' option below to set the install location and other install options): -ms Silent uninstall: /S Configuration ini file: [/INI=] When specifying a configuration ini file the installer will always run silently.

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When specifying a Configuration ini file other command line switches should not be specified and may have unexpected results Configuration ini file syntax and available settings: [Install];; Remove the semicolon (;) to un-comment a line. A Tanto Duol Bellini Pdf

To prevent the; creation of a shortcut specify false for the shortcut you don't want created.

; Create a shortcut for the application in the current user's QuickLaunch; directory.. g Don't mix /S with /INI, etc ) The account performing the installation will require administrative privileges to properly complete the installation.. The security; context the installer is running in must have write access to the; installation directory.. If any of these conditions are not met; the installer will abort the installation with an error level of 2.. Full installers for Firefox can be found at (or for Firefox at ) Silent install (always installs into the default location.. ;; The name of the directory where the application will be installed in the; system's program files directory.. The security; context the installer is running in must have write access to the; installation directory. 518b7cbc7d